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So creepest this day upon it's petty pace

 October, 6th, 1138 AD Immortality.  The grand jest. Perhaps it was a great idea once upon a time to live forever. The lure of life eternal at the behest of power to reshape the world. But to what end?  One among the masses seems to relish in it's own delights and leave none for those who might yearn for them. Nay the mortal shell is a gift all too precious to allow to live forever. Its beauty lives in the ability to die. For those immortals understand that living forever is actually the bane of existence itself. Insanity is the thing that comes to mind when I think of the years that have passed since my creation. The older I get the faster time seems to go. When I was small an hour could seem an eternity, after I had grown a bit a day was a long time. Upon turning into a teen the weeks would seem to drone on and as an adult a year seemed to be a long time. When I aged past 40 years the decades had shortened to what seemed like a few years and after the first century had past decad

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